

Thank you for helping us improve the quality of Unity Documentation. Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable. Alpha component of the color (0 is transparent, 1. Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers. Unity is the world’s leading platform for creating and operating interactive real-time 2D and 3D content. Find out if Unity stock is a good investment. Alphas are the first public releases of a new TECH stream version of Unity. During the alpha phase, we’re progressively adding all the new features that are scheduled to be part of the final release. At the same time, the features get tested collectively for the first.

Release notes

Unity 2021 Alpha

Known Issues in 2021.2.0a14

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixed issue that Asset Pipeline reports wrong time in reports.(1327442)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a12 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a15.

  • Build Pipeline: Fix Windows build on Mac and Linux(1328709)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a15.

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed Copy error related to compilation of CPP plugins in packages.(1328759)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a14 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a15.

  • Graphics: Fixed a crash when loading old asset bundles that contain shaders compiled with Vulkan.(1308947)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a15.

  • Package Manager: Fix the issue where Package Manager extensions throw unhandled exceptions in certain projects.(1327060)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a10 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a15.

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where Git dependencies using annotated tags for revisions could not be resolved.(1325920)
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a15.

  • Prefabs: Discard undo creation when prefab fails to be created(1327443)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a9 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a15.

  • Windows: Fixed crash when running Editor with NordVPN and some other VPN clients.(1308797)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
    Fixed in 2021.2.0a15.

  • Shortcut Management: [macOS] Crash when pressing any keyboard key while 'Binding Conflict' dialog is up(1328602)

  • Settings Window: Editor freezes when FixedTimestep value in the Preferences is set to 0/0(1326481)

  • Scene Management: Crash on BuildPrefabInstanceCorrespondingObjectMap when overriding nested prefab inside AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing() block(1324978)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Prefab script field reference is lost when project is upgraded(1328724)

  • Asset Bundles: [macOS] Editor crashes when trying to build Asset bundles in InitializeOnLoad or InitializeOnLoadMethod time(1328463)

  • Templates: Editor Crashes when performing Undo and Redo after duplicating Game Object with LEGO Model Asset component(1298503)

  • AI: Crash with ComputeTileMeshJob when generating Navmesh(1329346)

  • Terrain: All the textures are cleared when creating Texture array(1323870)

  • Metal: Performance in Game View is significantly impacted by Gfx.WaitForPresentOnGfxThread when a second monitor is connected(1327408)

  • WebGL: 'SharedArrayBuffer will require cross-origin isolation as of M91' warning is thrown when launching Player on Chrome(1323832)

  • Scripting: Editor crashes when using C# 9.0 version function pointer(1326000)

  • IL2CPP: Build fails when using a combination of messages, SyncVars and SyncList in a project(1328966)

  • Serialization: Player crashes at startup if the script attached to GameObject has the public variable(1328863)

  • Package Manager: User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache(1317232)

  • Scene Management: Crash on ModuleMetadataBindings::GetModuleIncludeSettingForObject when Removing/Adding SerializeField from script(1328344)

  • Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time(1323490)

  • 2D: [Skinning Editor] Vertex can't be created after modifying Vertexes weight and when Sprite is from the .psb file(1322204)

  • Terrain: Crash on TreeRenderer::WillRenderTrees when being in Play Mode for several seconds(1317966)

  • HDRP: The camera doesn't rotate in HDRP Template with the SimpleCameraController.cs script(1326816)

  • Global Illumination: Wintermute::Geometry::Verify errors are spammed when baking a Mesh with Mesh Compression set to Medium/High(1319133)

  • Animation: AnimationEvent is fired late or isn't fired at all when Animation's 'Motion Time' value is set manually(1324763)

  • Scene/Game View: [Game view] Game stops accepting input when the Game view undocked and re-docked during Play Mode using the Input System(1320678)

  • Global Illumination: Reflection probes don't contain indirect scene lighting after the on-demand GI bake from the Lighting window(1324246)

  • Global Illumination: Performance regression when baking light probes with a light cookie in the scene(1323393)

  • Animation: [Performance Regression] AnimationWindowState:get_allCurves takes approximately 5000ms to load animation in the Animation window(1320250)

  • ShaderGraph: [Shadergraph] Can't create multiple Boolean or Enum keywords(1329021)

  • Scene/Game View: Editor performance in the Scene View regressed drastically when multi selecting GameObjects(1329140)

  • Mobile: [Android] Build fails when there are 680 or more files in the Streaming Assets folder(1272592)

  • IMGUI: Contents of a ModalUtility window are invisible when it is launched from a Unity Context Menu(1313636)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Editor crashes while exiting play mode(1328667)

  • Serialization: Crash in SerializedProperty::IsValid when reordering a SerializedProperty list(1320319)

  • WebGL: [iOS] video is not playing on iOS(1288692)

  • MacOS: [Metal][Editor] Memory grows continuously until Editor crashes when importing 100k materials(1214197)

  • MacOS: Crash on _platform_memmove$VARIANT$Rosetta when opening an HDRP project on Apple M1(1322965)

  • MacOS: MacOS editor fails to load platform editor extensions(1322945)

  • UI Builder: Visual Studio opens up instead of UI Builder on double-clicking on uXML file in the Project window(1298297)

  • Project Browser: Basic primitive Meshes are not shown in Select Mesh window(1314696)

New 2021.2.0a14 Entries since 2021.2.0a13


  • Android: Added more complete support for running Android apps on the Chrome OS platform. These changes enable building and running Android on x86 and x86-64 CPUs, now officially supported on Chrome OS devices.


  • Asset Bundles: Added profile marker for CRC checks.

  • Asset Pipeline: Improved startup performance for 900,000 file project by 18 seconds.

  • Core: Dynamic Heap Allocator now holds on to one empty block to increase performance.(1272168)

  • Editor: Cached the translation results, reducing GC pressure.

  • Editor: Clicking on a Material inside the Renderer component will highlight the Sub Meshes with that Material in the Scene View.

  • IMGUI: Improved overall layout and repaint performance.

  • macOS: Append to Xcode project now works.

  • macOS: When generating Xcode project, it is now possible to pick the build config used for run action (can be changed in Xcode). Debug build config now has frame capture automatically enabled.

  • Package: Updated Advertisement package to 3.7.1.

  • Package: Updated OpenXR Plugin package to 1.1.1.

  • Package: Updated ProBuilder package to 5.0.3.

  • Package: Updated WebGL Publisher version to 4.2.2.

  • Physics: Improved Articulation Body anchor limit gizmos.

  • Scripting: Ensure players using the Mono scripting runtime backend always use a JIT (Just-In-Time) friendly set of class libraries, even if the '.NET Standard 2.0' API Compatibility Level is chosen. This provides consistency for Mono players no matter what API Compatibility Level is chosen in the player settings.

  • Scripting: Improved runtime performance of many UnityEngine math scripting APIs when using the Mono scripting back-end: Matrix4x4, Quaternion, Vector2, Vector2Int, Vector3, Vector3Int, Vector4.

API Changes

Unity Alpha 1

  • GI: Added: Allow to opt out of automatic ambient probe and default reflection probe generation.

  • Graphics: Added: ScriptableRenderContext.SubmitForRenderPassValidation added to validate whether RenderPass API calls inside the context are eligible for execution.

  • Graphics: Added: SystemInfo.maxGraphicsBufferSize added for querying the maximum size of a Mesh/Graphics/Compute buffer. Creating larger ones now also throws exceptions (previously was often just crashing).(1319589, 1319594)

  • UI Toolkit: Deprecated: CurveField.borderUssClassName and GradientField.borderUssClassName are now deprecated since the related visual element is not required to render a border anymore.

Unity Alpha 2020


  • Graphics: Modified VirtualTexturing resolver to always resize to the requested width and height.

  • UI Toolkit: URLs in UXML and USS files now support explicit GUID-based asset references. This allows assets referenced by UI assets to be renamed or moved within your project without breaking asset references. The UI Builder saves both UXML and USS files using this format. Note that this URL format is backward-compatible, but the URL query parameters are ignored in older Unity versions.

Unity Alpha Blend


Unity Alpha Is Transparency

  • Android: Added fullscreen flag to manifest to better handle static splash screen.(1310347)

  • Animation: Fixed AddAssetToSameFile assert thrown on adding SMB on unpersisted AnimatorState or AnimatorStatemachine.(1233556)

  • Animation: Fixed StateMachineBehaviour callback been called when playable is paused.(1321298)

  • Asset Import: Fixed crash/corruption when importing animations.

  • Audio: Fixed reset not working for any effect added in Audio mixer.(1256250)

  • Editor: Fixed degrading performance of loading menu items for default mode.(1321466)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a8 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Editor: Fixed error being shown when getting the enabled state of a menu item that doesn't exist.(1327260)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a11 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Editor: Fixed ReorderableList not getting expanded height for lists inside properties.(1324456)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Editor: Fixed selection issues with Shift + Arrow Up/Down in the Hierarchy.(1320614)

  • Editor: Fixed the resolution, insets and safe area of the Device Simulator when simulating Android devices in windowed mode.(1217736)

  • Editor: Removed blue line appearing in Editor debug build Inspector windows while hovering between components and without a dragging action.(1323348)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten Post Update would take up CPU time in the Editor when it was not the active lightmapping backend.(1248311)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • GI: Improved error logging when reporting errors relating to UV unwraps during a lightmap bake.(1327322)

  • Graphics: Fixed crash when launching tutorials on Linux with AMD/Intel cards.(1323204)

  • Graphics: Fixed inconsistency in anisotropic level setting across temporary RenderTextures.(1319319)

  • Graphics: Fixed incorrect warning in when creating a texture from script with a compressed format that is not supported on the Editor platform.(1317998)

  • Graphics: FrameDebugger fix to pause the frame fully when debugging session is active.(1315256)

  • Graphics: Metal: Fixed an issue where 'resolve' store actions would be replaced by 'store' store actions.(1327395)

  • IMGUI: Fixed unsaved changes dialog mentioning the same window multiple times if window with changes has been docked and undocked more than once.(1320575)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • iOS: Fixed crash on going to the background, after switching from autorotation to a fixed orientation.(1326238)

  • iOS: Fixed crash when using several Application.RequestUserAuthorization in coroutine.(1323715)

  • Kernel: Fixed issue where running player with auto connect on mobile device with disabled WiFi, disabling player connection. Then any attempt to connect to device manually will fail.(1311781)

  • Linux: Fixed mismatch BeginSample/EndSample profiler errors when using a modal file save dialog while profiling.(1322750)

  • macOS: Fixed crash if user unplugs a secondary display while running player.(1325384)

  • Package Manager: Fixed random stack overflow issue when installing and uninstalling packages.(1327700)

  • Physics: Changed the PhysX PVD connection code so that it can connect to a running PVD instance, and does set the visualization flags correctly.

  • Physics: Fixed Articulation Body Components not responding to changes in the Inspector window at runtime.(1325234)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a10 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • Prefabs: Corrected API documentation for SceneManager.activeSceneChanged.(1038093)

  • Prefabs: Fixed multiple selection of added GameObjects not being applied to Prefabs (or reverted) via the Hierarchy context menu.(1313939)

  • Scene Manager: Fixed GameObjects in Hierarchy window not hidden when using HideFlags.HideInHierarchy until next Hierarchy rebuild.(1167675)

  • Scene Manager: Fixed SceneManager.GetSceneByName() returning null when buildsettings path to the Scene is given as a parameter.(1155473)

  • Scene/Game View: Fixed SceneView.rotation value incorrectly affecting camera rotation in 2D mode.(1314928)

  • Scripting: Fixed a memory leak happening when removing listeners from a UnityEvent that is never raised afterwards.(1303095)

  • Scripting: Fixed exceptions thrown from custom attributes' .ctor not handled.(1321144)

  • Shaders: Fixed regression that was dropping some shader errors from the inspector after restarting the editor.(1325521)
    This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • UI Toolkit: Child's reference is not renamed in parent UXML after renaming the child UXML file.(1319903)

  • UI Toolkit: Cleaned up the Theme menu.(1318600)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed default clicking scroll amount in ScrollView.(1306562)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed focus outline for the following controls: CurveField, GradientField, EnumField/PopupField (and derivatives), RadioButton (choice), ObjectField (when hovered).(1324381)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed rebuild logic on inspectors with culled elements.(1324058)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed the focus handling so elements not displayed in the hierarchy cannot be focused.(1324376)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed view data persistence not working inside custom inspectors that use UI Toolkit.(1311181)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed when closing the window, the UI builder should ask to save if dirty, else discard all changes.(1310165)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a4 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • UI Toolkit: Prevented reload of windows that will break when turning Live Reload on/off.(1318930)
    This is a change to a 2021.2.0a4 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.

  • UI Toolkit: Removed an extra step from the RadioButtonGroup focus navigation.(1324373)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed TouchScreenKeyboard to use Private keyboard layouts when 'secure' flag is set.(1320676)

  • Video: Fixed an issue where undoing a property in the Video Clip Import Settings also undoes the parent Transcode checkbox.(1314433)