
We won't track your information when you visit our site. But in order to comply with your preferences, we'll have to use just one tiny cookie so that you're not asked to make this choice again. Capitol on Lockdown, Senate and House in Recess 🔴 Subscribe to RSBN for more LIVE streams and Breaking NEWS: Donat.

Former President Donald Trump‘s YouTube channel will eventually be reinstated once the “risk of violence” has decreased, YouTube’s chief executive officer announced Thursday.

At an event hosted by the Atlantic Council, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said the company will rely on a variety of indicators to determine the level of violence, including statements by government officials, the readiness level of law enforcement and any violent rhetoric YouTube may observe.

She added that it is difficult to say when Trump’s account may be restored, however, it will continue to be suspended for now due to ongoing concerns of potential unrest targeting the U.S. Capitol.

“We will turn the account back on, but when we see reduced law enforcement in capitals in the U.S. and fewer [threat] warnings, those would be signals to us [that it is] safe to turn the channel back on,” Wojciciki said.

“It’s pretty clear right now,” she added, “that there is still an elevated risk of violence.”

On the same day Wojcicki made the announcement, YouTube wiped the platform of all videos of Trump’s speech at the Conservative Political Actions Conference and suspended Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), a conservative account that published Trump’s speech.

RSBN noted that Trump’s CPAC speech may have been allowed to remain on the channel if they would have provided “countervailing viewpoints.”

“Essentially we would have had to go on air and say everything Trump just said about election fraud is not true,” RSBN said. “We try to follow the rules. Don’t air certain things that we normally would—but we won’t censor President Trump or push back against things he says that, quite frankly, we agree with.”

“Our network provides very little in the way of commentary. We basically just turn a camera on and show you what’s happening- and let you decide,” RSBN wrote on Twitter. “People can choose to watch it, not watch it, hate it or love it. That’s called freedom. If that’s no longer allowed then God help us.”

“This sort of manipulation and interference only shows how much weight these monopolies put on the scale of freedom. It’s never going to end until we all band together to stop it,” tweeted Donald Trump Jr.

Follow Annaliese Levy on Twitter @AnnalieseLevy


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OANN: Michelle Malkin, RSBN and Gateway Pundit Suspended on Twitter for Violating New Orwellian “Civic Integrity” Rule (VIDEO)
GP ^ | January 21, 2021 | Jim Hoft

Posted on 01/21/2021 5:50:12 PM PST by White Lives Matter

Twitter suspended the Gateway Pundit account again on Tuesday for another week for violating the “civic integrity” rules.

This is a new Orwellian category that allows Twitter to ban any conservative at will.

Conservative Michelle Malkin and the popular Right Side Broadcasting Network were also suspended this week for violating the “civic integrity” rules.

Of course, Twitter did not even notify GP and others of what tweet violated their new rules.

One America News reported on this latest rule to ban conservative talk on Twitter.

(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...

TOPICS:Business/Economy; Government; Politics; Society

Right Side Broadcasting Trump Today

KEYWORDS:civicintegrity; gatewaypundit; malkin; michellemalkin; rsbn; twitter; twitterbanNavigation: use the links below to view more comments.
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Twitter is out of control. They are adamant about silencing anyone who questions Biden's election theft of President Trump who duly won his second term.
1posted on 01/21/2021 5:50:12 PM PSTby White Lives Matter
To: White Lives Matter
2posted on 01/21/2021 5:52:22 PM PSTby BenLurkin(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion, or satire. Or both.)
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Why would any thinking patriot be using Twitter at this point? Or Facebook? Or Google/Youtube? Or Amazon? If you are, what the hell is wrong with your brain?

3posted on 01/21/2021 5:54:50 PM PSTby freedomjusticeruleoflaw(Strange that a man with his wealth would have to resort to prostitution.)
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Twitter just wants to be a left wing echo chamber. Nothing wrong about it, but they should be honest about it, and leave everybody else alone.

Rsbn Live Twitter

4posted on 01/21/2021 5:56:57 PM PSTby virgil(The evil that men do lives after them )
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Their site. their rules.

Get of Twitter. MySpace them.

Join another site.

5posted on 01/21/2021 5:57:25 PM PSTby Pikachu_Dad('the media are selling you a line of soap)
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This in my view is inciting violence. These tactics are responsible for whatever violence occures. I can decode the dog whistles.

6posted on 01/21/2021 5:57:44 PM PSTby patriot torch(Ashlie Babbitt-say her name)
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A more advanced country, Uganda, knew exactly what to do with Twitter.

Unfortunately, we live in a third world sh*thole banana republic called the United States...

7posted on 01/21/2021 5:59:37 PM PSTby kiryandil(New Movie: The Assassination Of Ashli Babbitt By The Anonymous Coward)
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What’s bizarre is I’ve been banned about 20 times by Twitter and I created a new account 2 weeks ago and they are letting me post whatever I want and so far no ban.

I’ve been asking Biden like 100 times so far when he is going to denounce White supremacy, still no ban....AND I call him “occupier” rather than “President”, check it out....

8posted on 01/21/2021 5:59:39 PM PSTby GrandJediMasterYoda(As long as Hillary Clinton remains free equal justice under the law will never exist in the USA)
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I would have loved to been a fly on the wall in the oval office when Trump invited Jack Dorsey to talk with him. I wonder what was said.

9posted on 01/21/2021 6:00:33 PM PSTby White Lives Matter
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At this point, even some democrats are starting to not like these extremes.

10posted on 01/21/2021 6:01:23 PM PSTby RandallFlagg(Only a moronic, suicidal group would try a Great Purge 2021 on an armed American. We're ready!)
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Liz Willis Rsbn Twitter

They are purposefully forcing the issue of regulation, so they can own their marketplace and use the regulations to keep competitors out.

They want a regulated monopoly.

11posted on 01/21/2021 6:02:39 PM PSTby Jonty30(What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death cults. )
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Why worry about twitter? Just use it to link to a website you get around their filters and they have no say about what is put on a personal website

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Twitter just wants to be a left wing echo chamber. Nothing wrong about it, but they should be honest about it, and leave everybody else alone.

No. They are much worse than that! Evil lives and thrives on Twitter.

Twitter refused to remove child porn because it didn’t ‘violate policies’: lawsuit

13posted on 01/21/2021 6:05:23 PM PSTby DJ MacWoW(The Fed Gov is not one ring to rule them all)
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I wonder if STASI veterans think they left in the U.S. is overdoing this.

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Meanwhile terrorist threats from Iran to President Trump and photos of child abuse victims and child porn are all ok to Dorsey and team.

Simple boycott and stay away from their shitty platform.

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“Civic integrity” rules? Whaaaaaaaat? The only thing these Tech Giants know about integrity is what they learn in video games like Rape Day. They are raping America of her liberty.
16posted on 01/21/2021 6:09:13 PM PSTby jonrick46( Leftnicks chase illusions of motherships at the end of the pier.)
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Why conservatives like to be abused by being on that disastrous site is beyond me. They should have left when Rush and Levin left.

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This in my view is inciting violence. These tactics are responsible for whatever violence occures. I can decode the dog whistles.

Yep. Arrest and charge the twitter guy when he shows up in a red state. That won’t be happening because the GOP has no balls.

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What is in violation of this policy?

This policy addresses 4 categories of misleading behavior and content:

1. Misleading information about how to participate

We will label or remove false or misleading information about how to participate in an election or other civic process. This includes but is not limited to:

misleading information about procedures to participate in a civic process (for example, that you can vote by Tweet, text message, email, or phone call in jurisdictions where these are not a possibility);

misleading information about requirements for participation, including identification or citizenship requirements;

Right side broadcasting network facebook

misleading claims that cause confusion about the established laws, regulations, procedures, and methods of a civic process, or about the actions of officials or entities executing those civic processes; and

misleading statements or information about the official, announced date or time of a civic process.

2. Suppression and intimidation

We will label or remove false or misleading information intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in an election or other civic process. This includes but is not limited to:

misleading claims that polling places are closed, that polling has ended, or other misleading information relating to votes not being counted;

misleading claims about police or law enforcement activity related to voting in an election, polling places, or collecting census information;

misleading claims about long lines, equipment problems, or other disruptions at voting locations during election periods;

misleading claims about process procedures or techniques which could dissuade people from participating; and

threats regarding voting locations or other key places or events (note that our violent threats policy may also be relevant for threats not covered by this policy).

3. Misleading information about outcomes

We will label or remove false or misleading information intended to undermine public confidence in an election or other civic process. This includes but is not limited to:

disputed claims that could undermine faith in the process itself, such as unverified information about election rigging, ballot tampering, vote tallying, or certification of election results; and

misleading claims about the results or outcome of a civic process which calls for or could lead to interference with the implementation of the results of the process, e.g. claiming victory before election results have been certified, inciting unlawful conduct to prevent the procedural or practical implementation of election results (note that our violent threats policy may also be relevant for threats not covered by this policy).

4. False or misleading affiliation

You can’t create fake accounts which misrepresent their affiliation, or share content that falsely represents its affiliation, to a candidate, elected official, political party, electoral authority, or government entity. Read more about our parody, commentary, and fan account policy.

19posted on 01/21/2021 6:13:56 PM PSTby DoodleBob(Gravity's waiting period is about 9.8 m/s^2)
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no video at Yahoo:

21 Jan: Yahoo. CBS Sacramento: Police Arrest People In Vehicle Associated With Antifa Members Who Broke Through State Capitol Barriers
A group of people identifying themselves as Antifa broke through some barriers at the capitol. They left the area then headed to a park where police, with guns drawn, arrested people inside the car associated with the group.

didn’t find this on CBS Sacramento homepage, but here is the video:

Rsbn Twitter

20 Jan: CBS Sacramento: Police Arrest People In Vehicle Associated With Antifa Members Who Broke Through State Capitol Barriers
VIDEO: 4m05s: A group of people identifying themselves as Antifa broke through some barriers at the capitol. They left the area then headed to a park where police, with guns drawn, arrested people inside the car associated with the group.
CBS reporter: ***we’ve been with the protesters most of the afternoon etc...

21 Jan: CBS Sacramento: No Reports of Violence as Antifa Hits Sacramento Streets on Inauguration Day
by Steve Large
VIDEO: 2m10s: Who Protested In Downtown Sacramento On Inauguration Day (CBS reporter: antifa became more visible and violent during Trump administration)
The massive National Guard presence outside the California Capitol stayed in place Wednesday night, hours after protestors did rally around the downtown area.
There were no reports of violence.
Officers detained several protestors at one point, over concerns they were carrying explosives. One of the detainees spoke to CBS13 and did not want to identify herself.
“They said that they got a tip that we had something dangerous in the car,” she said.

Antifa posted to several social media accounts they would be demonstrating in Sacramento. Their trademark look is called “the black block.”
“The black block is, you’re dressed all in black,” retiree FBI agent Glenn Norling said. “It’s very intimidating to the general public.”
“And I believe the folks who are orchestrating these things are master manipulators of that group think, that crowd mentality,” Norling said, “and can contribute and understand how to tweak things, toward their goal.”

Trump supporters who were denied a permit to protest the election at the Capitol did not show up in crowds...
As the nation hands the power to a new president, California’s capitol security remains on high alert.

second video follows above, with same retired FBI agent Norling.
VIDEO: 2m: Expert: Antifa Skilled At Manipulating Protests
CBS reporter: no real organized structure, no HQ, ***co-ordinate online.


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