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Bryson compared the treatment of the flag-protesters to the treatment of Jews by the Germans during the Nazi era. In a Twitter post on 25 February 2013, Bryson stated that he would not view the loyalist paramilitary group, the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), as terrorists. He has repeatedly refused to. Bryson Djuan Tiller (born January 2, 1993) is an American singer, rapper, and songwriter. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, he started his career in 2011, releasing the debut mixtape titled Killer Instinct Vol.1.

Jamie div'>

Belfast Agreement formally rewarded IRA violence- by Cllr Stephen Cooper

By Cllr Stephen Cooper In 1998, the violence and threat of same from the republican movement was formally rewarded with the Belfast Agreement; the only…

A Perfect Storm- The growing discontent across grassroots unionism

By Jamie Bryson At the centre of the perfect…

EDITORIAL: Why Unionism and Loyalism must withdraw all support for the PSNI in defence of the rule of law

By Jamie Bryson The DUP leader and First Minister Arlene Foster has finally arrived at the realisation that the Chief Constable’s position is “untenable”. She…

EDITORIAL: Unionism/loyalism must withdraw support for the Belfast Agreement to save the Union

By Jamie Bryson @JamieBrysonCPNI The Belfast Agreement is the…

Treacherous amendment to the NI Act shreds the requirement for cross community consent on pernicious Protocol

By Jamie Bryson On 10 December 2020 the Secretary of State Brandon Lewis quietly laid a piece of legislation in the form of a Statutory…

OPINION: PSNI and Department of Justice are wrong on powers of entry

By Jamie Bryson At the outset it is important…

EXCLUSIVE: PSNI unable to enforce ‘quarantine’ fines issued prior to 11 December

By Jamie Bryson The initial quarantine regulations were laid on 5 June 2020 and came into force on 8 June. Their long title is The…

EXCLUSIVE: Shocking report into Charity Commission finds “cultural issues” as widow of disabled RUC officer “threatened” by Commissioners

By Jamie Bryson The independent report by Johnathan Baume,…

Surrendering Sovereignty -A paper analysing the constitutional implications of the NI Protocol

You can download the document for free The Constitutional Implications of the NI Protocol [2020] The Northern Ireland Protocol poses a clear and present danger to…

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Amending the Betrayal Act- a brief explainer of the legal row

There has been much speculation that the disastrous Northern…

Policing & Justice

Former Sinn Fein Finance Minister O’Muilleoir to be considered for perjury charges

O'Muilleoir is pictured above posing happily with Daniel Serban, who in 2019 was convicted of sending 'menacing' online communications as…

UVPS report challenges PCTF on their failure to pursue IRA financial crime

The publication of the Independent Reporting Commission report highlights a clear political basis and desire to steer clear of any…

Jamie Bryson Twitter

EDITORIAL: PSNI must refuse to be used as political pawns by nationalist Belfast City Council

By Jamie Bryson Editor@UnionistVoice.com @JamieBrysonCPNI There has been significant misrepresentation of events over recent days concerning bonfires in the east…

Jamie Bryson Twitter

EDITORIAL: Sinn Fein’s flag motion is an absurd and legally illiterate stunt with little prospect of success

By Jamie Bryson- Editor@UnionistVoice.com @JamieBrysonCPNI The motion passed on Monday night mandates Belfast City Council officials to take legal action…

NEWS: PSNI launch a Supreme Court assault on press freedom as they seek to narrow protections for journalistic material

Jamie Bryson Twitter Page

By Jamie Bryson- Editor@UnionistVoice.com @JamieBrysonCPNI In my recent Judicial Review challenge the High Court ruled that in the event that…

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ANALYSIS: The Charity Commission’s “problematic culture” must be eradicated

By Jamie Bryson The Charity Commission of Northern Ireland (CCNI) has a culture of superiority and elitism running throughout it.…

The Orwellian Covid snitch line is manna from heaven for the self-righteous liberal elite

By Jamie Bryson In today’s Irish News Brendan Hughes revealed some of the reports the PSNI ‘snitch line’ had received…

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ANALYSIS: The PSNI timeline exposing their collusion with republicans in advance of facilitating IRA Storey funeral

Legal action seeking to compel the Secretary of State to declare loyalist ceasefires over has no basis in law

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PSNI pursuit of Rangers fans illuminates yet again blatant two-tier policing

By Jamie Bryson @JamieBrysonCPNI Inside a mere six-days, PSNI detectives from their Criminal Investigation Branch (yes,…

Sunday World outdo themselves with epic Rangers error

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EXCLUSIVE: Loyalist Stacey Graham responds to vile social media trolling campaign

by Jamie Bryson Stacey Graham, a loyalist activist and community worker from the Shankill Road, has…

Inequality under the law- The PSNI’s disregard for Human Rights

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EXCLUSIVE: The unredacted Police Ombudsman witness statement relating to the theft of confidential Loughinisland material

By Jamie Bryson- Editor@UnionistVoice.com @JamieBrysonCPNI The Police Ombudsman has publicly denied that there was any complaint…

NEWS: Union Flag protestors should have their convictions quashed as officer faces criminal courts for misconduct

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Stephen Nolan’s ‘BBC Batman’ segment was Orwellian and completely ill-judged

By Jamie Bryson Let me begin by saying- lest my arguments be deliberately misconstrued- that I…

ANALYIS: DUP’s “Key Brain” behind St Andrews Agreement urges the party not to risk giving unfettered power to Sinn Fein Ministers