Finding and Using Bed Bug Pesticides
- Use EPA's Bed Bug Product Search tool to help you find a pesticide product
- Consult a pest management professional to inspect your residence and, if needed, apply approved pesticides to treat any infestation.
- The Cooperative Extension Service office in your area can assist with choosing appropriate pesticides for your area and situation.
- Read When Treatments Don’t Work before reapplying or trying a different product.
- Sometimes people want to try things to control bed bugs that are not legal. See Stay Legal and Safe in Treating for Bed Bugs for more information.
Browse through 37,762 commercial buildings and industrial plants, representing 5,590,983,525 square feet, that have earned EPA's ENERGY STAR for superior energy efficiency. Recently Certified Buildings and Plants. Water is an oxygen hydride consisting of an oxygen atom that is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms. It has a role as an amphiprotic solvent, a member of greenhouse gas, a human metabolite, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite, an Escherichia coli metabolite and a mouse metabolite. This chemical inventory is OSHA's premier one-stop shop for occupational chemical information. It compiles information from several government agencies and organizations. Information available on the pages includes: Chemical identification and physical properties Exposure limits Sampling information. EPA evaluates data on the safety and the effectiveness of the products before approving them. Learn more about EPA's regulation of bed bug products. These 300 registered products fall into seven chemical classes of pesticides that are currently registered and widely used for bed bug control. The Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) program is part of EPA's Sustainable Materials Management initiative that promotes a system approach to reducing materials use and the associated environmental impacts over the materials’ entire life cycle.
EPA has registered more than 300 products for use against bed bugs. Most of these can be used by consumers, but a few are registered for use only by specially trained professionals. EPA evaluates data on the safety and the effectiveness of the products before approving them.
Astm b557 pdf. Skype updates windows 8. Learn more about EPA's regulation of bed bug products.
These 300 registered products fall into seven chemical classes of pesticides that are currently registered and widely used for bed bug control:
- pyrethrins,
- desiccants,
- biochemicals,
- pyrroles,
- neonicotinoids, and
- insect growth regulators.
There is also an additional chemical class registered for a very narrow use pattern. Dichlorvos (also known as DDVP, an organophosphate) is registered as a pest strip for treatment of small enclosures.
Each chemical class kills bed bugs using a different mode of action. It can be helpful to use pesticides that differ in their mode of action because it can reduce the likelihood that the bugs will develop resistance. The following paragraphs discuss in more details each of the more commonly used chemical classes for bed bugs.
Learn more about effectiveness of bed bug pesticides.
Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids: Pyrethrins and pyrethroids are the most common compounds used to control bed bugs and other indoor pests. Pyrethrins are botanical insecticides derived from chrysanthemum flowers. Pyrethroids are synthetic chemical insecticides that act like pyrethrins. Both compounds are lethal to bed bugs and can flush bed bugs out of their hiding places and kill them. However, where resistant bed bug strains exist, these treatments may cause them to move to a new hiding place or temporarily flush them out of existing locations.
Some bed bug populations have become resistant to pyrethrins and pyrethroids. Sometimes using a combination product (either multiple pyrethroid or pyrethrin active ingredients, or one that combines different chemical classes into the same product) can improve bed bug control. It can also be helpful to switch to an entirely different chemical class to control resistant bed bug populations.
Some pyrethroid pesticides come in the form of a total release fogger. See Should I Use a Fogger? for information about fogger use and safety.
Desiccants: Desiccants work by destroying the waxy, protective outer coating on a bed bug. Once this coating is destroyed, the bed bugs will slowly dehydrate and die. Desiccants are a valuable tool in bed bug control. Because desiccants work through a physical mode of action, the bed bugs cannot become resistant to desiccants as they can to pesticides with other modes of action. In addition, they have a long-lasting effect and don't disturb normal bed bug activities.
Examples of desiccants include:
- Diatomaceous earth.
- Boric acid.
When using desiccants to control bed bugs it is critical to use those that are registered by EPA and labeled for bed bug control. Desiccants that are intended for other uses, such as food-grade or for use in swimming pools, pose an increased inhalation risk to people. Use of desiccants is limited to cracks and crevices use only to reduce inhalation risk.
Biochemicals: Cold pressed neem oil is the only biochemical pesticide registered for use against bed bugs. Cold pressed neem oil is pressed directly from seeds of the Neem tree, a tropical evergreen tree found in Southeast Asia and Africa. The oil contains various compounds that have insecticidal and medicinal properties. It is also used in making products including shampoos, toothpaste, soaps, and cosmetics. Performance trials conducted at the approved label rates show both products control bed bug adults, nymphs, and eggs.
Pyrroles: Chlorfenapyr is the only pyrrole pesticide currently registered for use against bed bugs. The compound is a pro-insecticide, i.e. the biological activity depends on its activation to form another chemical. The new chemical disrupts certain functions in the bed bug's cells, causing its death.
Neonicotinoids: Reddit nintendo switch deals. Neonicotinoids are synthetic forms of nicotine and act on the nicotinic receptors of the nervous system by causing nerves to fire continually until they fail. Because neonicotinoids use this different mode of action, bed bugs that are resistant to other pesticides will remain susceptible to the neonicotinoid.
Insect growth regulators: Insect growth regulators are chemicals that mimic juvenile growth hormones in insects. They work by either altering the production of chitin (the compound insects use to make their hard external 'shell' or exoskeleton) or by altering an insect's development into adulthood. Some growth regulators force the insect to develop too rapidly, while others stop development.
Epa Label Database
Pesticide Information Center OnLine (PICOL) Database
Note to Users: Not all PICOL features may be compatible with your browser. We recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge for the best experience. Known issues: PICOL Advanced Search features are not compatible with the Mac version of the Safari browser.
Welcome to the Washington State Pest Management Resource Service’s (WSPRS) pesticide label database. This free, searchable database is operated by Washington State University through funding provided from the Washington State Department of Agriculture, the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Oregon State University, and WSU.
PICOL contains selected information from pesticide products registered in either Oregon, Washington, or in both states. Washington data includes Section 3, Section 25b, Section 24c, Section 18, adjuvants, and federal supplemental labels. It does not include EUPs. Oregon data includes Section 3, Section 25b, Section 24c, and federal supplemental labels. It does not include EUPs or Section 18 labels.
This site offers three search options: Express and Quick Searches are available for current-year data only, while the Advanced Search allows users to search either for current records or for recently cancelled products. Search results can be exported to Excel® manually and APIs can be created for automated searches.
PICOL does not include tolerance information or maximum residue limits. WSPRS’ staff recommend users access either EPA’s instructional page on searching the Code of Federal Regulations or the Global MRL database.
A note about Organic products in PICOL:
Certified organic operations must seek approval from their certifier prior to the use of any input on organic crops or land, or in an organic processing facility. Users are responsible for confirming the organic status of any product prior to use.
- PICOL organic designations reflect certifier approval at a given point in time; because status may change without notice, always check the current WSDA Organic Program or OMRI lists for the most current product status.
- Organic designation in PICOL is only given to products approved for organic use by WSDA, OMRI, the EPA, or other certifier approved by the USDA National Organic Program.
- WSPRS does not actively seek or solicit organic status information from OMRI, the EPA, or other certifier. With the exception of data received from the WSDA Organic Program, PICOL’s 'organic' designation is based solely on information contained on a product label as received from WSDA or ODA.