Medical Examination Commands

  1. Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical 11
  2. Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical Solutions
  3. Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical Edition

The leader in this type of software is Dragon Naturally Speaking, heir to the famous Via Voice. Dragon Naturally Speaking is a voice recognition program available in several languages. It is quite interesting because through it you can create documents Microsoft Office using your voice and compose all kinds of letters, reports, and email. As previously stated, Nuance is clearly gouging medical professionals for what is essentially the same software as the Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium or Legal editions. The fact that the Premium Edition is selling for $175, the legal edition for $500, and the medical edition for $1000 to $1600 is absurd.

Ready-Made Exam Commands for Downloading

This set of macros includes a variety of text commands for Dragon NaturallySpeaking which may be of use to physicians and other medical practitioners. It includes both full 'boilerplate' exams and a series of exam 'snippets' based on body area or organ system. See detailed explanation below for more information.

This set contains the following 14 commands, which are described in detail below:

Brief Exam Normal Chest
Brief Male Exam Normal Post Op Chest
Brief Female Exam Normal Heart
Full Exam Normal Abdomen
Normal Head Normal Extremities
Normal Neck Normal Neuro
Normal Lungs Normal Skin

About these Examination Commands

This is a series of text commands developed for use in the author's medical practice. Although there are a few complete 'boilerplate' exams, it is strongly recommended that you do not use these boilerplate exams unless they truly reflect your physical examination findings in a specific patient. The majority of the exam-related commands represent exam 'snippets' or small organ or body region descriptions of normal findings. The intention is that these snippets of normal exam be combined with freely dictated aspects of the exam that were not normal or require more in-depth description.

Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical

As an example, dictation of a full examination might sound as follows while being dictated (commands are between < > and in a red font):

On physical examination he was a moderately overweight middle-aged male in no apparent distress. His blood pressure was 135 over 80, heart rate 70 and weight 85 kilograms. <normal head><normal neck> <normal lungs> On cardiac examination his PMI was normally situation and not enlarged. The rhythm was regular and first and second heart sound normal. He had a grade 3 over 6 holosystolic murmur at the apex without radiation. There were no rubs or gallops. <normal abdomen> <normal neuro> <normal skin> His extremities were notable for a trace of ankle edema bilaterally. Pedal pulses were easily palpable bilaterally. <normal neuro>

And what would appear would be the following:

On physical examination he was a moderately overweight middle-aged male in no apparent distress. His blood pressure was 135/80, heart rate 70, and weight 85 kg. Head exam was generally normal. There was no scleral icterus or corneal arcus. Mucus membranes were moist. Neck was supple and without jugular venous distension, thyromegally, or carotid bruits. Carotids were easily palpable bilaterally. There was no adenopathy. Lungs were clear to auscultation and percussion, and with normal diaphragmatic excursion. No wheezes or rales were noted. On cardiac examination his PMI was normally situated and not enlarged. The rhythm was regular and first and second heart sounds normal. He had a grade 3/6 holosystolic murmur at the apex without radiation. There were no rubs or gallops. Abdominal exam revealed normal bowel sounds. The abdomen was soft, non-tender, and without masses, organomegally, or appreciable enlargement of the abdominal aorta. Neurologically, the patient was awake, alert, and oriented to person, place and time. There were no obvious focal neurologic abnormalities. Examination of the skin revealed no evidence of significant rashes, suspicious appearing nevi or other concerning lesions.his extremities were notable for a trace of ankle edema bilaterally. Pedal pulses were palpable bilaterally.

These Commands in Detail:

Full Exam:

The patient appeared well nourished and normally developed. Vital signs as documented. Head exam is unremarkable. No scleral icterus of corneal arcus noted. Neck is without jugular venous distension, thyromegally, or carotid bruits. Carotid upstrokes are brisk bilaterally. Lungs clear to auscultation and percussion. Cardiac exam reveals the PMI to be normally sized and situated. Rhythm is regular. First and second hearts sounds normal. No murmurs, rubs or gallops. Abdominal exam reveals normal bowl sounds, no masses, no organomegally and no aortic enlargement. Extremities are non-edematous and both femoral and pedal pulses are normal.

Brief Male Exam:

On exam he appeared in good health and spirits. Vital signs as documented. Skin warm and dry and without overt rashes. Neck without JVD. Lungs clear. Heart exam notable for regular rhythm, normal sounds and absence of murmurs, rubs or gallops. Abdomen unremarkable and without evidence of organomegally, masses, or abdominal aortic enlargement. Extremities non-edematous.

Brief Female Exam:

On exam she appeared in good health and spirits. Vital signs as documented. Skin warm and dry and without overt rashes. Neck without JVD. Lungs clear. Heart exam notable for regular rhythm, normal sounds and absence of murmurs, rubs or gallops. Abdomen unremarkable and without evidence of organomegally, masses, or abdominal aortic enlargement. Extremities non-edematous.

Normal Head:

Head exam was generally normal. There was no scleral icterus or corneal arcus. Mucus membranes were moist.

Normal Neck:

Neck was supple and without jugular venous distension, thyromegally, or carotid bruits. Carotids were easily palpable bilaterally. There was no adenopathy.

Normal Lungs:

Lungs were clear to auscultation and percussion, and with normal diaphragmatic excursion. No wheezes or rales were noted.

Dragon naturally speaking medical mac

Normal Chest:

Examination of the chest was unremarkable. There were no bony deformities, no asymmetry, or other abnormalities.

Normal Post Op Chest:

Examination of the chest was unremarkable. The midline-incision related to this patient's prior heart surgery appeared well healed. There was no sternal instability. No chest wall tenderness was observed.

Normal Heart:

Cardiac exam revealed the PMI to be normally situated and sized. The rhythm was regular and no extrasystoles were noted during several minutes of auscultation. The first and second heart sounds were normal and physiologic splitting of the second heart sound was noted. There were no murmurs, rubs, clicks, or gallops.

Normal Abdomen:

Abdominal exam revealed normal bowel sounds. The abdomen was soft, non-tender, and without masses, organomegally, or appreciable enlargement of the abdominal aorta.

Normal Extremities:

Examination of the extremities revealed easily palpable radial, femoral and pedal pulses. There was no cyanosis, clubbing or edema.

Normal Skin:

Examination of the skin revealed no evidence of significant rashes, suspicious appearing nevi or other concerning lesions.

Normal Neuro:

Neurologically, the patient was awake, alert, and oriented to person, place and time. There were no obvious focal neurologic abnormalities.

Although these are simple and easy to create on your own and perhaps better created on the basis of your own typical examination based on your specialty and degree of thoroughness, you may download these files for insertion in your own version of NaturallySpeaking Professional or higher version. Once imported into your copy of Dragon, these may be modified to suit your own purposes.

Tip: When creating your own text commands to serve as exam snippets, be sure to click 'plain text' on the MyCommands Editor.

+ Can I share my version of Dragon with other doctors?

No, each doctor must purchase their own license for Dragon Medical. A receptionist, admin, transcriptionist or anyone who inputs data in patient charts on your behalf may share your install of Dragon, but each doctor will need their own license.

+ Is Dragon a one time purchase or subscription?

A license of Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 is a one time purchase.

Dragon Medical One is our subscription cloud service, which has an ongoing monthly fee.

+ List of compatible EMR/EHRs?

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 allows you to dictate anywhere there is a flashing cursor on your screen ensuring that no matter what EMR/EHR system you use, Dragon will integrate. For web based ones, Dragon works best with Google Chrome. For systems that use an RDP connection, Dragon also works over RDP.

+ Can I see Dragon live?

We offer live virtual demos. You can book a demo with one of our agents here

+ What are the differences between front and back end transcription?

Front-end transcription is done live with a microphone directly into the computer or patient chart. This allows the doctor to run templates and immediately correct any mistakes in real time. Back-end transcription is when the doctor dictates into a voice recorder and the recording is transcribed after the fact into a text file which can then be copy and pasted into the patient charts.

Back-end transcription is only available in Dragon Medical Practice Edition, and not Dragon Medical One.

+ How many computers can Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 be installed on?

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 can be installed on up to 4 computers simultaneously. If you are upgrading computers, simply uninstall Dragon from your old computer, that will deactivate that current computer and re-install it on your new computer.

+ How do I install Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 on my computer?

When you purchase Dragon Medical, you will have the option to receive a download link which will allow you to install shortly after purchasing. You will also be sent a box with an install CD that will have Dragon on it if you are unable to download it.

+ I get an install error, what should I do?

Try restarting your computer.

If you used your download link, ensure you un-zip the file, run setup.exe, and try again. If you are still getting errors please call us at 877-422-2479 or chat with us in our live chat between the hours of 9-5:30 EST.

+ Can I use Dragon at home and at work?

Yes. You may have Dragon Medical installed on both your home and work PC's as well as you can us a remote desktop connection to connect into your work PC.

+ What are the system requirements?

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 system requirements are as follows: 2.4 GHz Intel Dual Core or equivalent AMD processor. 5GB hard drive space. 4GB RAM. Supported OS, 7, 8, 10.

+ Is my area of medicine covered?

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 comes with over 90 medical specialties built in, 30 more than the previous version of Dragon Medical.

+ What if I practice 2 types of Medicine?

Dragon Medical allows you to have more than one medical vocabulary linked to your profile. For assistance in adding a second vocabulary to your profile, please contact us at 877-422-2479 or use our live chat.

+ What type of support is included with your product?

By default, Dragon Medical Practice Edition does not come with training or support, but we do offer packages at reasonable prices. More information can be found here.

Dragon Medical One comes with training and support included.

+ Where do I get training for Dragon Medical?

Dragon Medical has a built in tutorial and interactive tutorial that will take you through many key features of Dragon. If you would like a more personalized training session, we offer training and support packages starting as low as $99. For more information please call (877) 422-2479 or see the Support Packages Available.

+ Is my EMR/EHR compatible?

Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 allows you to dictate naerly anywhere there is a flashing cursor.

+ What type of microphone do I need?

Any good quality microphone will be compatible, however it is highly recommended you do not use the built in microphone on your computer as the quality is low, which will lead to low accuracy. For a list of recommended microphones from Dragon Medical Canada, please click here.

+ Can I control my computer by voice or just type?

Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical 11

With Dragon Medical Practice Edition you are able to do so much more than just dictate. You can use your voice to call up templates, execute commands, run programs, move your mouse and even automate repetitive tasks! For full training on what Dragon can do and how to control your computer, please consider one of our training packages.

+ What happens when a new version comes out?

When a new version of Dragon Medical Practice Edition comes out, you will have the option to upgrade at a reduced fee relative to a new license. It is not mandatory to upgrade and the functionality of your Dragon will not be affected by a new release.

Dragon Medical One will always be the latest because it is cloud based.

+ Can I upgrade from Dragon Naturally Speaking or Professional to Medical?

No. Only Dragon Medical can be upgraded to a newer version of Dragon Medical. If you are currently using Dragon Naturally Speaking, you will need to purchase a new license at full price.

Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical

+ Can my profile be moved over to Dragon Medical from Dragon Naturally Speaking?

Parts of it can. Your vocabulary and commands can all be saved, but the training that has been done unfortunately cannot. When upgrading from a previous version of Dragon Medical however you can keep your entire profile.

Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical Solutions

+ What features does Dragon Medical have that Naturally Speaking doesn't?

To start, Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 allows for installs on up to 4 computers, whereas Dragon Naturally Speaking only allows on one computer. Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 allows the user to dictate anywhere there is a flashing cursor rather than having to dictate into Dragon and copy-paste over to your desired application.

Dragon Naturally Speaking Medical Edition

  • Dragon Medical Accent Support:Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 features regional accent support to ensure that no matter where you are from you are able to use Dragon effectively. The accents in Dragon are as follows: Standard accented English, Australian accented English, British accented English, Indian accented English, Inland Northern US (Great Lakes) accented English, Pakistani accented English, Southeast Asian accented English, Southern US accented English and Spanish accented English.

  • More Medical Vocabularies:Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 has 90 medical specialty vocabularies built in, up from 60 in Dragon Medical Practice Edition

  • Increased Accuracy:Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 is over 20% more accurate than Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2.